Kon Tum Province, VietnamPhotovoltaic solar | Hydropower
SESAN 4 HPP project is a feasibility study for the implementation of a 5MWp floating solar plant and assessment of solar/hydro hybridization.
The project between AFD and EVN take place on the site of the existing Sê San 4 hydroelectric power plant (360 MW), in Kontum and Gia Lai provinces about 70 km west of Pleiku city.
AFD finance two solar power plants: a 49 MWp on-ground PV power plant through a non-sovereign loan and a 5 MWp pilot-project of floating PV plant through EU grant.
Main actions:
- Assess the existing Vietnamese regulation and provided data regarding lake potential use, zones on which the pilot could be installed and permitting process;
- Visit the site;
- Propose a basic layout of the 5 MWp floating PV pilot,, allowing the flotation of the structure and the resilience of the system facing corrosion, changing water conditions of the reservoir (water flow, water elevation, etc.). Environmental impacts of such projects and a basic assessment of site particularities will be analysed;
- Analyse the existing switchyard layout and potential solar power plants electricity injection (based on existing 49 MWp PV on-ground power plant prefeasibility study and on 5 MWp estimation produced within this task), estimate the investment for substation additional equipment;
- Propose an hybridisation scheme, present the expected benefits and an estimate of the additional investment required (including software and IT equipment);
- Perform a presentation at the end of the mission to SS4HC on site and to EVN & AFD in Hanoi about solar/hydro hybridisation & floating PV interest;
- Assess the need of additional studies and issue recommendations regarding the procurement process to be implemented.
Main company
Concessionary of the River Rhone (CNR)
Power generator
5 MWp
On grid
5 500 000 €
Project progress
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance
Concessionary of the River Rhone (CNR)
- Offshore , Onshore , Photovoltaic solar , Hydropower
- Development , Developer of energy production plants , Operation and maintenance , Power generator , Storage , Others
- SER Member