Why this initiative?
A project map of French Renewable Energies abroadGlobal Context
Over the last 10 years, the context of renewable energies in France and in the world has changed dramatically.
The global revolution of renewable energies
Let us recall a few figures from the International Energy Agency: electric renewable energies account for more than 21 % of the global electricity mix with 580 GW installed. The IEA projects a capacity of 825 GW installed in 2021 (+ 42 % growth).
This general trend is driven by the competitiveness of these forms of energy production.
Production costs down
All over the world, production costs fall dramatically, driven by the effects of industrial volumes and technological breakthroughs. The costs of producing renewable energy are structurally downward as soon as the conditions for their deployment are optimized, streamlined or facilitated.
Renewable energies, a priority for international investors
Investments in renewable energy production capacity amounted to more than $ 244 billion in 2012, $ 254 billion in 2013 and $ 286 billion in 2015, which has been steadily growing since 2004 when it was established to $ 40 billion.
For the first time since the advent of the industrial era, new renewable capacity exceeded new capacities from fossil sources, with nearly 153 GW installed in 2016.
More and more countries in the world are opening up to renewable energies, assisted by bilateral and multilateral international Financial Institutions that have made this sector a priority. France has also mobilized its institutions and structured its international support tools to bring French expertise in the wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, renewable marine energy and bioenergy sectors to international markets.
Other figures
- 9.8 million jobs in the world's renewable energy sector by the middle of 2017. IRENA expects there will be 24 million jobs in the clean energy sector by 2030.
- 825 GW of new renewable electricity capacity will be installed in the world within five years, an increase of 42 %, including hydroelectricity.
- 19.7 % : Share of renewable energies in global final energy consumption in 2016.
- 785 GW : Renewable energy capacity installed in the world at the end of 2015 (excluding large hydropower)
The first interactive platform for French projects in the international renewable energy sector
The French Renewable Energy Association [Syndicat des énergies renouvelables] gathering 400 companies in all RE sectors and The French Energy and Environment Agency [ADEME], have developed an interactive cartography, which brings together all projects carried out by French companies abroad in one or more sectors of renewable energy : bioenergy, wind energy, solar energy, subterranean energy, hydropower, ocean renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Providing a visibility of French knowledge in the renewable energies
The aim of this platform is double:
- Identify R & D projects, materials and services offered by French companies internationally and thus offer a visibility of French knowledge in this field, for institutional and potential client partners in France and abroad.
- Promote the French know-how on the international scene.
This bilingual interactive mapping is open to any French company belonging to the following categories : R & D centers, engineering, project promoters, equipment suppliers, financing and maintenance / maintenance. It is reserved for French companies whose registered office is in France or which has a manufacturing unit located in France. The actors identified must be able to present to the export a material or immaterial production realized on the national territory.