

Rocksprings, United States

Wind energy | Onshore

Filière Éolien - Énergies Renouvelables

Rocksprings is a 150 MW wind project located in the state of Texas in the United States. Unique in its history, Rocksprings is also by its fundamentals: a production ratio of more than 42% in P50, a 15-year contract for the purchase of electricity produced completed by a 12-year hedging contract , with an on-site network connection.

Project activities

Main company

Akuo Energy


Development, Construction, Operation and maintenance, Power generator, Support profession

Type of implantation in the country
Project Information
Detail of the equipment used

General Electric Turbines

Installed power (specify unit KW, MW or other)

150 MW

Annual produced energy (specify unit MWh or other)

555.229 MWh

Grid connection

On grid

Main fundings

Own funds

Project cost (in euros)

238 millions de dollars

Year of entry into service


Project progress

Contract signed
Work in progress
In operation
Employees mobilized
  • 3

    Locals employees

  • 6

    Employees for the development phase

  • 3

    Employees for the construction phase

  • 4

    Employees for maintenance

Main company

Akuo Energy

  • Wood-Energy , Wind energy , Offshore , Onshore , Photovoltaic solar , Hydropower , Ocean renewable energy
  • Development , Construction , Developer of energy production plants , Operation and maintenance , Power generator , Support profession , Storage
  • SER Member
  • International ADEME Club membership
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