MTE Torres
Oliveira de Frades, PortugalSolar energy | Photovoltaic solar

This 284 kW solar plant is located on the roof of Martifer Group wind turbine tower plant.
The installation was commissioned in January 2013 and provides annually the equivalent of the consumption of 463 households. The plant prevents the release of around 101 tCO2/year in the atmosphere.
Project activities
Main company
Operation and maintenance, Power generator
Type of implantation in the country
Project Information
Detail of the equipment used
Installed power (specify unit KW, MW or other)
284 kW
Annual produced energy (specify unit MWh or other)
Grid connection
On grid
Main fundings
Project cost (in euros)
Year of entry into service
Project progress
Employees mobilized
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance
Main company
- Wood-Energy , Onshore , Photovoltaic solar , Hydropower
- Development , Construction , Developer of energy production plants , Operation and maintenance , Power generator
- SER Member