Katerini, GreeceSolar energy | Photovoltaic solar

The solar parks of a total capacity of 1088.34 kW are located in Katérini, Greece and correspond to 6 solar parks of a capacity of 148.56 kW each and 2 PV parks of a capacity of 98.49 kW each. For the construction of this power station, 4554 solar pannels were used, allowing the annual production equivalent to the consumption of approximately 1493 households.
The production generated by the Katérini power plant allows an annual reduction of 1720tCO2/ year.
Main company
Development, Construction, Operation and maintenance, Power generator
1 MW
On grid
Equity, Debts
Project progress
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance
- Wood-Energy , Onshore , Photovoltaic solar , Hydropower
- Development , Construction , Developer of energy production plants , Operation and maintenance , Power generator
- SER Member