Eolink 5MW Pre-commercial

EOLINK pursues the scaling methodology already deployed at 1/10th. Here, the 5 MW demonstrator represents a 12 MW FOWT at 3/4th scale, or even a 16 MW at 2/3rd. Extensive stress monitoring will enable structural assessment of larger turbines.
EOLINK points out that floating provides the unique opportunity to upscale turbines without any vibration or structural issues. The company expects to bring LCOE down to 35 €/MWh by 2030.
EOLINK 5 MW FOWT is compliant with several Mediterranean and Atlantic test-sites. Bureau Veritas has been contracted to assess the FOWT design.
Main company
Eolink FOWT
5 MW
14 GWh
On grid
Equity, subvention
20 000 000
Project progress
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance