Montsinéry, French GuianaPhotovoltaic solar

With a capacity of 4,3 MW, the photovoltaic solar park of Montsinéry-Tonnegrande is the first park of calibre in French Guiana. The power plant is equiped with approximately 19 000 photovoltaic pannels, which supply annually the equivalent of the consumption of around 4 200 inhabitants. Producing clean and renewable electricity, the power plant also allows to prevent the release of around 4 800 tCO2/year in the atmosphere.
Main company
Development, Construction, Developer of energy production plants, Power generator
4,3 MW
On grid
Equity, Debt
Project progress
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance
- Wood-Energy , Onshore , Photovoltaic solar , Hydropower
- Development , Construction , Developer of energy production plants , Operation and maintenance , Power generator
- SER Member