Gabriel Terra hydropower plant
Montevideo, UruguayHydropower
Feasibility study and clean development mechanism for the hydropower increase capacity on rio negro
The Uruguayan electrical system includes the following means of production:
- Rio Negro, with hydroelectric stations Dr. Gabriel Terra, Rincón de Baygorria and Constitución with a total installed capacity of 593 MW;
- Hydroelectric Salto Grande station, with a capacity of 945 MW;
- Thermal power stations, representing a total installed capacity of 687 MW.
- The Rio Negro presents a hydroelectric potential which can be increased, thanks to better management of water resources throughout the watershed and optimized use of hydraulic plants in cascade, and also by an increase in the installed capacity of the upstream plant Gabriel Terra.
Main objectives of the study:
The proposed study consists in the achievement of a critical analysis of pre-feasibility study, a validation of the economical evaluation of the project, an evaluation of the impacts on operations of the three hydroelectric projects of Rio Negro and the pre-studies to define the optimal technical and economical solution considering the MCD study (Clean Development Mechanism).
Consequently a Request for Tender has been issued for the Construction, Supply and Installation of hydroelectric equipments, to be launched by UTE and submitted under the CDM Executive Board of CDM.
This project shall increase the electricity generation capacity of Uruguay, while reducing consumption of fossil fuels, and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gazes from Uruguayan electrical network.
Detail of the equipment used:
Feasibility studies for Gabriel Terra extension:
- Validation of previous studies
- Feasibility studies
- Technical-economical optimization
- Hydro and Electromechanical Equipment
- Drafting of technical terms of references
Techniques implemented:
- Environmental studies
- Hydrology
- Géotechnic – civil works
- Electro-mechanical equipment
- Hydro-mechanical equipment
- Economical and financial evaluation of the project
Economical studies:
- Hydraulic optimization studies of hydropower plant along Rio Negro inside the national electrical connected network. Analysis of different scenarios of production during considered hydrologic periods. Comparison between alternatives means of production (fossil, renewable, Brasil and Argentina imports, etc.). And proposal of a management strategy and development strategy of power plants.
Technical Studies:
- Pre-feasibility studies, Feasibility studies, and preparation of technical specifications for the extension of Gabriel Terra power plant.
Environmental and Social issues:
- Realization of an Environmental and Social impact study according with Uruguayan laws relative to a power plant extension.
- Conducting a study of Clean Development Mechanism (checking of compliance with the sustainable development policy, drafting the "project design document" document which will be submitted to the Executive Board of Clean Development Mechanism (UN).
Main company
Concessionary of the River Rhone (CNR)
Development, Others
593 MW
On grid
Project progress
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance
Concessionary of the River Rhone (CNR)
- Offshore , Onshore , Photovoltaic solar , Hydropower
- Development , Developer of energy production plants , Operation and maintenance , Power generator , Storage , Others
- SER Member
