Commercialization of gas ovens with high energy performance - Rabat
Rabat, MarocGeothermal | Energy efficiency
Geres is working with gas oven manufacturers to market high-energy performance models manufactured in the country, which reduce gas consumption by 30 to 50%. Ensuring the profitability (and therefore the sustainability) of the sector and driving a significant reduction in the associated CO2 emissions implies the development of a large market, in both the domestic and professional oven segments. The objective is for example to disseminate these "FaranEco" labelled ovens to bakeries.
Main company
High energy performance gas ovens
Project progress
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance
- Biofuel , Waste recovery , Photovoltaic solar , Energy efficiency , Access to energy
- Development , Operation and maintenance , Power generator , Storage

AFD (funder)