Ambatoloana Project
MadagascarHydropower | Access to energy

The project led by the French SME Guinard Energies in partenerhip with a French NGO and a Malgach company aims to test the operational feasibility of a P66 Guinard Energies small hydro turbine demonstrator and a set of solar panels with batteries for a capacity of 10 kWc and a daily output of 80 kWh. This hybrid system will electrify a remote village. The second part of the project aims to identify opportunities for the development of hydrokinetic energies in the northeast quarter of Madagascar. Partners : Le GRET and SM3E.
Detail of the equipment used:
River hydrokinetic turbines Guinard Energies and its hybrid electrical power system to regulate solar and hydro power generation and manage battery storage.
Main company
Guinard Energies
Developer of energy production plants, Power generator
Local Partnership
River hydrokinetic turbines Guinard Energies and hybrid electrical power system
10 kW
Off grid
Equity, grant
Project progress
Locals employees
Employees for the development phase
Employees for the construction phase
Employees for maintenance
Guinard Energies
- Hydropower , Ocean renewable energy
- Development , Equipment manufacturer , Construction , Operation and maintenance , Power generator
- SER Member
- International ADEME Club membership